When you brought this up at our feedback call, I had soooo much to say. I've recently developed a renewed respect for environmental health in population health - especially since urban design affects food access, clean water, open spaces, social equity/equality. As a clinician, at times I feel pretty defeated because those things affect my low-income/underserved patients' health outcomes.

On another note! I had a similar experience in Iceland this summer where I just felt and looked so vibrant - there was def. something in the magical waters (and air quality and probably the amazing bread and dairy!)

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Agree - the dairy is phenomenal. We also ate eggs there that had the most golden yokes I had ever seen. It almost seemed like the whole environment conspired to make me healthier, with no effort needed on my part. Just going on about life was enough. Now THAT is true abundance.

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Ooh! This is reminding me of a youtube video I watched recently--it's about the sustainability of the ancient city of edo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTDxQThcado My lay opinion is that good waste management is really important for good cities.

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Also, now I'm curious about what you DO learn in school for planning and how it doesn't apply. I always thought my wife would be an urban planner if she wasn't a software engineer, she's obsessed with this stuff on an amateur level and tells me MANY opinions, haha!

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I don’t want to discourage her! It might have been just my university 🙃 I still think urban planning is a noble and worthy pursuit. I just don’t like what I was taught, and how the profession is making itself irrelevant by perpetuating a dysfunctional status quo. We are a mere shadow of what I believe we can stand for. /end rant

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I did not know this about Edo! Thank you for sharing this with me 🙇‍♀️ I agree with every point he makes. We should be recycling everything and thinking circular whenever possible. So many lessons to learn here.

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